Saturday, March 17, 2018

Bring Back the Good Old Impeachments

It’s been a long time since I’ve posted on this blog.  Basically, I’ve been up to my fetlocks in other projects, but a persistent voice in my skull nags me:  Write something, even if it’s wrong.

So—I’m longing for the presidential trials of years gone by, the good old impeachments.  Clinton-Lewinsky was simple, just two people in starring roles.  Nixon and the Watergate break-in was a little more complicated than Bill and Monica, but still “Paranoia and the Plumbers” was easy to follow. 

But Trump et al.  Every day there’s a new name, a new angle, a new lie:  Oh, what a tangled web we weave!

The whole thing could make a good board game.  Maybe with a working title such as “Chaos,” and the object of the game being to avoid meltdown.  Something like that.

But just suppose Trump isn’t removed from office and we’ve got to endure more of this turmoil?  Then we could have a different board game.

It could be called SAPS, for “Shaft the American PeopleS”:  The theme:  Players match wits against the Trumpster as he grows wealthier at the expense of the American taxpayer.

So I'm finished writing something, and now I’m going to leave the room and go down the hall to where the relaxing beverages are kept.

I deserve one.  We all do.
