Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Patience, Forsooth, Yea Verily

"Impeach Trump" results on Google--about 19,500,000 (May 10, 2017)

In a summer years ago, I and several family members vacationed in the Pacific Northwest.  Early in August, we pulled our trailer into a campground in the wooded mountains east of Tacoma.

The area was remote, and this was a time before the internet.  I don't know if television reception was available there, but faint radio signals could be heard. In the park office that night, an employee and I listened to a scratchy broadcast of President Richard M. Nixon resigning from the highest office in the land.

The date was August 8, 1974.  My trip diary for that date recorded, "Nixon resigned today."

Behind that terse entry were my feelings of frustration and wonderment: Why did it take so long?

More than two years earlier, in June 1972, burglars had broken into the offices of the Democratic National Party at the Watergate Hotel in Washington, D.C.  They got caught, and during 1973 and into 1974 it became clear in the media that the Republican Nixon was behind the burglary and other acts of political spying and sabotage.  On July 27, 1974, the House Judiciary Committee passed the first of three articles of impeachment, charging obstruction of justice.  Two years had gone by before the nation could get rid of a president who claimed he was not a crook.

That's the way it is.  Many people, and I'm one of them, would like to be done with the current occupant of the White House.  But it'll take time.  The wheels of justice slog along slowly and, we hope, fairly.

Meanwhile, if you'd like to relive those painful moments of yesteryear, the internet is loaded with information about Watergate and Nixon.  I used this site:


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