Thursday, October 24, 2019

Bad Housekeeping re Stuff

My wife is slowly and with great purpose going through possessions and getting rid of stuff in a certain category.  It is stuff for which she now has little or no use.  It is stuff that, after our demise, will have to be removed by a cleanup crew, most likely our children.  Hers is a noble and well-intentioned effort.

I am not participating.  You see, after I'm gone I want my kids to truly know what their old man was like.  I want to give them cause to say:  "Why would he save this?"  Or--with a look of disgust on the face--"What would anybody do with this?"  I want them to realize that I took great delight in some simple doodad that any sane person would toss in the trash.

Not to be concerned.  I have already disposed of items packaged with language such as "enhance pleasure," "shipped with discreet labels," and so forth.
You won't find any such stuff in my leftovers.

But you will find that I wanted to incentivize (ugly word but I felt compelled to use it) the cleanup project by hiding here and there packages of Hostess Ding Dongs.  Bon appetit!

And to start searchers on the right foot, here is a short piece on "Stuff," by George Carlin.  (Sorry, but I could not get the link's timeline to start at zero.)


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