Monday, June 8, 2020

I Have This Window; Part 2--They're Gone

The crowds have dispersed.  Several weeks ago, the scene outside my window was one of people, people, people.  They couldn’t go to work because doing so might spread the coronavirus, so they stayed home and went out for walks.  

During that period I could see that I actually had neighbors, that those houses up and down the street weren’t just arrangements of lumber but wooden boxes in which real, live people resided.

But this is California.  We expect perfection in the weather.  Cloudless skies and seventy-five- degree temperatures are just fine.  But rain brings on the fear that like metal we might rust, or like sugar we could just melt away.  And heat drives us indoors where we can inhale deeply from the air conditioning outlets, like an asthmatic getting a fix from an inhaler. 

And this is what happened.  A couple days of drizzle flushed the streets of dust, dogs, and people.  The return of mild weather didn’t last long and was followed by temperatures above the century mark.  Then a few days of cooling came, then heat again.

Now most everyone seems to be inside.  Or maybe they’re back at work.  One never knows about these things. 


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