Wednesday, January 24, 2018

My Lack of Will Power: A Report in the Stream of Unconsciousness

Listen I’ve been on this horrible I suppose I should say horrific because that’s the word everyone else is using these days because they can’t bring themselves to say or write horrible but take it from me it’s a horrible guilt trip about sugar and sugar has become an item of interest ever since medical science declared I have diabetes which really doesn’t bother me too much because I rarely eat dessert with a meal and I don’t spend money on candy bars or cellophane-wrapped grab-and-go fat tablets and if I want something sweet I like bakery pastries which are expensive and not always convenient so I don’t eat a lot of sugar anyway that is until a month ago at Christmas the next-door neighbor gave us some Ghirardelli chocolates and the guys across the street treated us to a box of chocolate-covered mints that were totally addictive like totally addictive and two weeks later I mentioned to the woman who lives next door to the guys across the street that the mints were great and I didn’t have but a few left and she said oh hers were gone days ago and so therefore I decided I would enjoy the goodies and not worry about the complications of diabetes because with senile-onset diabetes I’ll be dead before I could go blind or my feet fall off so it really shouldn’t be a problem except for the sugar high which pours thoughts and words through my skull like a torrent so fast that I can hardly wait to sign off and go up to the neighborhood donut shop for a chocolate-covered custard-filled thingy.


Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Nothing to Say, But I’ll Say It Anyway

I haven’t posted in several weeks because I’ve had nothing to say.

But two items in this week’s news are worth mentioning.

One, another proposal is being floated to divide California.  This one would sever interior California from coastal California.  The interior part of the state is largely rural, while the coast is heavily urban.  Read as follows:  rural equals Republican; urban equals Democrat.  Would there be Dust Bowl era signs at the urbanish borders saying “Opies [Old Progressives] Go Home”?

Two, the state department of transportation is beginning to favor building traffic roundabouts over planting stop signs at intersections.  If this goes far enough, I see it as a giant piece of symbolism.  No longer will America be a stop-and-go nation but one that that is more circuitous, more circumspect.

More later, when I still have nothing to say.
